Upper Limb Rehabilitation
How we use our hands is so important to our everyday life and who we are. Your upper limb therapy program may target movement, sensation and function and likely a combination of these. Your therapist will use therapeutic handling and facilitation and incorporate techniques such as practising normal movement patterns, mental rehearsal, sensory retraining (SENSe), Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT), Mirror Box therapy and Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES).
…a note about mCIMT
Constraint Induced Movement Therapy is the most researched and best supported upper limb rehab therapy in the world. This gold-standard treatment is designed to rehabilitate movement of the hand and arm after stroke and brain injury including Parkinson's disease, incomplete spinal injuries and multiple sclerosis (MS). The techniques of CIMT teach the brain to ‘rewire’ after injury and can be used together for a powerful 2-3 week program, or taken as elements to boost the impact of your upper limb therapy.
The Taub Therapy Institute at the University of Alabama in the US have developed the CIMT protocol and tested it rigorously over 25 years. It's been written about extensively, including in Norman Doidge's The Brain that Changes Itself. Robyn (your Neurotherapy OT) completed formal CIMT training with Taub Institute International Trainer Dr David Morris in 2015. Since this time, she has used mCIMT in both private practice and public health and trained over 150 therapists in its use.
As a quick check, the program may work well for you if you are able to roughly pick up and let go a flannel with your affected hand.
If you are interested in participating in a rehabilitation program with Constraint Induced Movement Therapy, please contact Robyn on 0421 960 396.